How to Optimize E-E-A-T Update for Medical/Health Niche Sites

How to Optimize E-E-A-T Update for Medical/Health Niche Sites

Google has recently updated its Quality Rater Guidelines (QRG) for search, introducing the concept of E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness). The addition of “experience” to the E-A-T acronym indicates that the extent of the content creator’s first-hand experience on the topic is now an important factor in evaluating the quality of the content. Trustworthiness,…

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

Difference between Google Panda and Google Penguin

For those who deal with SEO and blogging, Google panda and Google penguin should not be something new to them. Ever since these updates were introduced, there has been strong buzz on how to develop the perfect search engine optimization plan, so that websites have their dues in rankings. Moving forward, here is a close…